
Dr Alejandra

Medical Surgeon

for you


In Rhinomodelation, a deformity or protuberance of the nose is molded so that it is in harmony with the rest of the face.

Lip shaping and filling

Lip augmentation with well-defined proportions and better definition improves the overall appearance of the face.

Mandibular angle marking

The complete jaw marking treatment consists of injecting high-density hyaluronic acid with fine needles to give harmony to the face.

We help you to improve
your appearance

with Hyaluronic Acid


Lip shaping and filling

Mandibular angle marking

most featured

Dra Alejandra Azcarate

Schedule your appointment with

virtual or in-person evaluation

You can schedule your appointment for an in-person assessment with $50,000 or have it virtually by sending your photos.

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